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Reimagine Working From Home

Working from home has become a lifestyle change for many in the last year. This change has influenced many homeowner’s to reconsider their home improvement priorities. People are being prompted to evaluate the opportunities for upgrades in their home that will enhance the lifestyle changes we’re all experiencing.

From expanding with additions to reinventing current spaces within their home - homeowners are ready for change.

They’re considering how their needs and lifestyles have changed in the last year.
Many are questioning how their home can adapt to these changes that have occurred and impacted their daily routines.

Many have discovered that sharing space with spouses, pets, children, and managing household items while working simultaneously can prove to be difficult.

While we can find gratitude in spending more time with family, snuggling with pets, and lounging in comfort while we work - it’s understandable to have a desire for a separate space to escape to, for meetings and work tasks that call for a quiet, organized space.

Here are a few ideas to help you explore the many opportunities within your home that will upgrade your work from home experience.

Convert an existing room.

Convert an existing room in your home into a dreamy work space. Start by exploring each room in your home while asking yourself which spaces offer opportunities to declutter and reorganize. Are there things you can sell, donate, or destash to free up space? Are you using the space or is it acting as a catch all for clutter? Are there other storage solutions available? Perhaps the children have outgrown the playroom or a grown child has left the nest.

Check out our Decluttering Challenge from January, you can start any time!

Reimagine your closet.

As you explore your home, consider the closet spaces and how they are currently serving you. Would it benefit you to declutter or relocate items to create an office that can be behind closed doors after hours?

Expand your home.

An addition that can be completely customized to your needs might be the best option. Sometimes creating a whole new space is the best answer. Investing in a quiet, functional, and organized space might be exactly what you need to boost your productivity at work and improve your overall living experience.

Take it outside.

A new space might be the best option for you but perhaps you desire a completely detached space. For you, work belongs outside of the home. You’ve probably heard of She-Sheds and Man-Shacks, even portable Tiny homes. Reimagine the hobby + tool storage that accessory dwellings typically offer and create a unique Home Office or Work Studio right in your back yard. This would be ideal for the creator who has a need for additional workspace or for someone who may need to meet with clients regularly.

Climb the stairs to work.

What’s in your attic? When was the last time you went in your attic? What would the space look like if you were to clean it out and finish it? Is there room for storage and a workspace? Climb the stairs to escape to a quiet and cozy space where you can take calls, think without distraction, and focus on work.

Reconfigure your basement

Is your basement finished? Does it need to be finished? Can a portion of it be finished to accommodate a work space? Can it be reconfigured to function better for your needs? The basement can act like a blank canvas for finding functional space within your home.

Split in two.

Is there a space in your home that could be divided with a wall or reconfigured to create a designated workspace?